
비디오테이프를 재활용해 하이패션을 구현한 패션디자인 본문

Shopping/Fashion & Culture

비디오테이프를 재활용해 하이패션을 구현한 패션디자인

수다공작소 2010. 5. 28. 18:11


Kai Yeung Yau is currently a senior student studying BA (Hons) Fashion Design and Technology (Womenswear) in London College of Fashion. He has worked as fashion designer, stylist and art director in both London and Hong Kong. Since 2007, his work, “Red A”, has been shown in Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism Architecture 2007, Milk Magazine and Dragon Centre in Hong Kong. It has received a great response and won “The Best Styling Award in Contemporary Design” and also the sponsorship by Young Designer Awards 2009 to showcase the whole “Red A” collection on its award ceremony in London.

아이이어가 독보이는 작품이네요. 팰트지 느낌의 패브릭 위에 비디오테이프를 지층의 모양처럼 볼록하게 만든 뒤, 미싱으로 고정해서 만든 작품이네요. 처음 의상을 볼 때는 삽질의 대마왕을 떠올렸는데, 작업 사진을 보니 생각만큼 어려운 작업은 아니었을 듯 싶네요.

소재를 실크리본으로 대체해서 제작하면 오히려 더 웨어러블한 의상으로 탈바꿈되지 않을까 싶네요.

