
현수막과 헌 양복을 이용한 재활용 패션 본문

Shopping/Fashion & Culture

현수막과 헌 양복을 이용한 재활용 패션

수다공작소 2010. 5. 30. 17:47

길거리에 즐비한 현수막, 불법광고의 대표주자인데, 그 현수막을 가지고 숄더백을 만들었네요.

현수막을 활용한 악세서리입니다. 예술가들의 작품을 우리 실생활 속에 녹여내고자 만든 Poketo라는 사이트에서 가져온 사진입니다. 자세히 보니까 한글(Link)이 새겨져있네요.

What is Poketo?

Poketo is a designer of limited edition art products, accessories, apparel, and decor. Founded by Ted Vadakan and Angie Myung, Poketo promotes the work of top international artists by showcasing original artwork through their fun and accessible wares. Poketo takes art off of gallery walls and makes them a part of your everyday life. Poketo products are available internationally in fine boutiques, museums, and Poketo.com. Poketo.com houses the entire collection and artist roster, and is also a place for people to connect with the artist community. The Poketo blog and photo Flickr chronicles art events, as well as Ted and Angies travels, karaoke sessions, and latest food finds.

Poketo’s HQ in downtown Los Angeles holds bi-monthly art shows, performances, and other happenings. Sign up for our newsletter to find out the latest happenings.

Source l http://poketo.com/about/
